costumes for sale

Great Bellydance Resources - Largest online bellydance bulletin board
Gilded Serpeant - Popular online bellydance magazine - one stop for all things bellydance.

Bella Costumes - What can i say? Where would i be without her?
Dahlal - Everything you need to be a professional Bellydancer

bellydance websites

Other Bay Area Bellydancers
Maria Sokolova - my student and friend, based in Santa Clara, CA
Michelle Joyce - my great long-time friend, now based in Mountain View, CA and owner of Cheeky Grils Productions
Summer Sahar - A regular on the nightclub circuit and a great dancer based in SF
Nanna Candelaria - My teacher and mentor
Shabnam Pena - Award winning dancer, teaching and performing in Oakland, CA
Lara - Based in Redwood City, my student and superstar!
Zahara - One of my very favorite dancers. Currently dancing and teaching in Antioch, Ca
Hala - Native Egyptian dancer and owner and director or Halanda Dance Studio
Ballet Afsaneh
- Classic Persian and Central Asian dance company. Too beauitful for words. Love Love LOVE them!

bellydance websites
Dancers from Around the Country and Around the World
Nadira - Sleek and gorgeous - based in Seattle and performs with Fleurs d'Egypte Dance Company
Aziza - Constantly travelling around the globe - she's been one of my favorites for over a decade.
Djamila and Orient Academy - Dancer and teacher in Frankfurt, Germany
Maya Said - Dancing and teaching in Hungary, she's been my bellydance crush for many years.
Agenlina Tay - Fantastic Singapore bellydancer.
Shems - Beautiful website from this Bellydancer based in Baltimore, Maryland
Mercedes Nieto - the famous Hungarian dancer and teacher
bellydance dvds