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:: Raks Sharki Bellydance Desktop Wallpaper ::
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:: Raks Sharki Bellydance Smartphone Wallpaper ::
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(right click on the music file to download)
These sound files are provided free of charge to the dance community by Master Percussionist Ricky Martinez of Chihuahua, Mexico. They have helped my students learn the names of some common Arabic Rhythm patterns and both Ricky and I hope you find them useful.
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)
El Zaffa
Ayoub (Zaar)
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)
IPhone Users (.m4r)
Other Formats (.mp3)